Filming in Cambridge
Looking to film in Cambridge?
We invite filmmakers to contact 519-623-1340 or e-mail us at to start discussing your next project directly with our film officer.
Film permits
All projects, regardless of size or the property class where you are filming, must complete a Production Information Sheet. This form allows our staff to ensure the appropriate parties are aware of your project and there are no conflicts with upcoming festivals, events or roadwork. If your project will affect city streets, parking or other municipal assets, you will need to apply for a film permit before you can start your film production in Cambridge. Apply for your permit at least 20 business days before you plan to start filming. If your project involves a road closure or hazardous activities, such as gunfire, vehicle stunts or extreme special effects, a longer approval period may be necessary.Have shorter filming timeline? Contact our office to discuss your proposal and we'll do our best to accommodate your project.The City of Cambridge Economic Development Division helps you throughout the application process. You need to have a project outline available for review, including proposed number of filming days, potential road closure requests, parking needs, and a project timeline.View our Production Companies' Checklist to learn more.
Filming Incentives
Cambridge is located just outside the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) zone. Productions shooting here may qualify for an additional 10% Regional Bonus on top of other available credits. This means that a producer could get up to a 45% labour-only tax credit when using the Ontario Film & Television Tax Credit (OFTTC) while filming in Cambridge. The Ontario Production Services Tax Credit (OPSTC) and Ontario Computer Animation & Special Effects (OCASE) can both by utilized for filming in Brantford. However, a producer must select either the OPSTC or the OFTTC - not both. The OCASE can be used in conjunction with either the OFTTC or OPSTC.
Have you ever wondered how your property could be considered for filming, or do you have concerns with film crews in your neighbourhood? We've attempted to capture the most common questions to our office here!
#CaptureCambridge crowdsource project!!
We want your input! In an effort to expand our database of local film assets, we need you to get out and explore our community! We want to see original photos of our picturesque landscapes, historic streetscapes, alleys, industrial areas and everything in between! Upload your photos to our #CaptureCambridge story map, discover the hidden nooks within our municipality that would look great on film and help us show the film industry that Cambridge is so much more than just the Main Street Bridge! Grab your camera and comfy shoes - and get ready to #CaptureCambridge!
Interactive Story Mapping
Have you ever wondered which locations in Cambridge are used for filming? Take an interactive tour of the film projects that have taken place in Cambridge! Are you only interested in learning where the critically acclaimed Handmaid's Tale has filmed locally? We have a map for that too!All Film ProjectsThe Handmaid's TaleDo you want to know more than just where something has filmed? Are you looking to discover the unique history of the locations that were used to build the fictional backdrops? Use our Handmaid's Tale Walking Tour to learn about Cambridge's rich history and go beyond Gilead.
Previous projects
Previous productions filmed in Cambridge include:
Looking for Updates?
Be sure to subscribe to News and Public Notices to stay on top of what's filming locally and how it may affect your travel around the city!
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